County Approves Local Jobs Grant for Company Expanding in Indian River County
Apr. 13, 2017
The Indian River County Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Office announced that Blue Dog Business Services, a locally headquartered firm that provides merchant services, is adding 15 new jobs to its existing local workforce of 27. The Indian River County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the company’s Local Jobs Grant application at their April 12 meeting. The company had initially considered relocating its headquarters to Palm Beach County.
Based on the company’s anticipated job creation numbers and proposed wages for the new hires, Blue Dog Business Services is eligible for up to $49,000 in Jobs Grant incentives. The company anticipates creating 15 new jobs by third quarter of this year, with average annual wages ranging from $30,000 to $60,000. The Jobs Grant is a performance-based program, meaning that it is paid out over a three-year period after the jobs are in place.
Blue Dog Business Services plans to keep and expand its headquarters operations in Vero Beach. The company provides services to businesses nationwide, including credit card processing, business loans, consumer financing, and promotional products.
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